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Lakritze von Elberfeld

Lakritze von Elberfeld      
Xeena von Elberfeld x Hennes vom Lindelbrunn
Birth: 16.02.2015

Weight: ca 30kg

Size: 62cm

Health results: HD A1, DNA deposited, HUU N/N, prcd-PRA N/N, NECAP1-PCR N/N, DCM N/N

Show: good, very good, excellent (working class - most beautiful female dog), breeding license passed, bonitation (Körung) 1-1-1-1

Character: Our "Kritzi" is a bright, very fast female with a lot of hunting drive. It naturally has absolutely clean, calm, firm and full bites. She wants to please her dog handler and loves working in obedience, Schutzdienst and in the field. At the training field, she can convert her exuberant energy into calm, concentrated work. She is very docile and understands new tasks very quickly. She is very lovely in the family, indifferent to strangers and vigilant on the property. She is obsessed with water!

Physique: "Kritzi" is a small athletic female dog. Here are a few excerpts from the show reviews: "Medium hard, deep black hair. Correct topline, straight forehead and bridge of the nose. Corresponding to the body, correct, dark eyes. Correct angulations with flowing movements. Saber tail. Complete scissor bite. Temperamental and attentive in nature."

Achievements: BH / VT, endurance test, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3. PSK national champion 2019 (281 points) & 2021 (282 points) ISPU participation (disq), DVG national champion 2021!


Riesenschnauzer - Leistungszucht
of Giant Black Hawks
Industriestr. 7
DE-33818 Leopoldshöhe

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